CaptainPilot Courses Content
CaptainPilot Courses Content focuses on the following key areas:
Aviation English: Enhance your English language skills specific to the aviation industry.
Aviation English Exam: Prepare for and successfully pass aviation English exams.
Aviation English Training: Receive comprehensive training to improve your aviation English proficiency.
Easy Aviation English: Access user-friendly resources and materials for learning aviation English.
ICAO English Test Preparation: Prepare for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) English proficiency test.
These courses cover a wide range of topics related to aviation English, providing learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to communicate effectively in the aviation industry. Whether you are preparing for exams or seeking to improve your language proficiency, CaptainPilot offers comprehensive training and resources tailored to your needs.

ICAO English Online Bacis Course
​VFR Communications Online Course
​IFR Communications Online Course
Picture Description Training
Online Program under Experienced Instructor Control
Instructor Monitoring of Progress Throughout the Course
OnLine Placement Test at Every Phase of the Program.
Progress Tracking Proficiency Test at the End of Every Day
Aviation English Proficiency Test Database
250 Lessons / 100 Hours of Interactive Lessons and Exercises
Audios and Videos Exercises for Listening Skills
Audios and Videos Exercises for Speaking Skills
Aviation Standard Phraseology Database for Vocabulary Bank
Develop Plain Language for Radio Communications
Develop Standard Air-Ground Communications
Develop Non-Standard Air-Ground Communications
ICAO Proficiency Exam Preparation Course
Phraseology SID/STAR Scenarios and Exams for Airline Pilot
Self-monitoring of Progress Through the Course
Self-Learning Software, Computer, Tablet or Smartphone
3 Private One-on-One Sessions
Access: 24/7/365 Online
Certificate of Completion for Course
Runway Surface Conditions
Miscellaneous Landing And Approach Situations
Landing Aids
Landing Hazards
Approach Instructions, Speed Control
Runway Excursion on Landing Incident Report
Tower Module
Zone Traffic​
Missed Approach
Taxiing Instructions
Miscellaneous Taxiing Situations
Miscellaneous Taxiing
Engine Failure After Takeoff
Clearance Delivery Module
Pre-flight and Start-Up
Pre-flight and Start-Up Problems
Route Clearances
Flight Plan Amendment, IFR Cancellation, Air-Filed IFR Plan
​Tenerife Report Blames KLM​
Ground Module
Parking and Ground
Parking and Ground - Handling Problems
Ground Hazards
Technical Incidents
Dispatch, Police, Customs, Health, etc...
Wrong Taxiway On Tower's Instructions
Catering Truck Knocks Engine Off 727
Departure Module
​Miscellaneous Take-off And Departure Instructions
Take-off In Adverse Weather Conditions, Take-off Priority
Take-off Incidents, After Take-off Incidents
Tail Strike Incident Report
Flight Hits Bird Flock at 150 Feet Incident Report
En Route Module
Level Instructions​
Climb And Descent Instructions
Delaying And Holding Instructions
Position Reporting
Radar Identification, Radar Tracking
​Traffic Information
Control Problems, Traffic Restrictions, Seperation Adjustments, Overtaking Situation, Avoiding Danger Or Prohibited Areas, Handover Problem
Abnormal Situations Module
Near-Collision, Air Traffic Incident Report
​Urgency and Distress
Nav Error Leads to Unscheduled Landing in Syria
Steered Off Runway to Avoid Collision
​Tenerife Report Blames KLM​
ATIS Module
Amsterdam Schiphol Arrival Information Kilo​
London Stansted Arrival Information Uniform
Chicago Rockford Arrival Information Zulu
Aviation Accents
Non Native English Speakers​
Native English Speakers​

Departure Information & Pushback, Start Procedures
Approach Control
IFR Departures
IFR Arrivals
Radar Vectors to Final Approach
Surveillance Radar Approach
Precision Approach Radar
VDF Procedure
NDB (L) VOR Procedure
Area Control
Area Control Units
Position Information
Level Information
Flights Joining Airways
Flights Leaving Airways
Flights Crossing Airways
Establishment & Cont
Transfer of Communications
General Phraseology​
Level Instructions
Flight Plans
Aerodrome Control (Aircraft)​
Departure Information
Taxi Instructions
Takeoff Procedures
Aerodrome Traffic Circuit
Final Approach and Landing
Flights Holding En-Route
Miscellaneous Flight Handling
Flight Scenario (Part 1)
Flight Scenario (Part 2)
CaptainPilot Aviation English
Learning Management System

Aviation English For Pilots And Traffic Controllers
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology
Radiotelephony Phraseology
Aviation English Proficiency Tests
Aviation English Exam Practice
English Language Proficiency For Aeronautical Communication (ELPAC)
Aviation Listeners
VFR communications
IFR Communications

Introduction to VHF Voice Communications
Transmission and Selection of Frequencies
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5​
General Operating Procedures
Transmission Technique
Transmission of Letters
Transmission of Numbers
RT Call Signs (Aircraft)​
Establishment & Cont
Transfer of Communications
General Phraseology​
Level Instructions
Flight Plans
Aerodrome Control (Aircraft)​
Departure Information
Taxi Instructions
Takeoff Procedures
Aerodrome Traffic Circuit
Final Approach and Landing
Go Around
After Landing
Essential Aerodrome Info
Aerodrome Control (Vehicles)​
Movement Instructions
Crossing Runways
Vehicles Towing Aircraft
Flight Information Service ( FIS )​
General Radar Phraseology
Radar Ident
Traffic Info & Avoiding Action
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Alfa, Bravo, Charlie
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Charlie
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Delta, Echo
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Juliet, Lima, Mike
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Romeo
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Sierra
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Tango
Aeronautical Standard Phraseology Uniform, Victor, Whisky, Yanke
SID and STAR Scenarios

Pre-Flight 1 Ground Movments
Pre-Flight 2 Ground Movments
Pre-Flight 3 Ground Movments
Departure & Takeoff
In Flight 1 Clearances And Level Instructions
In Flight 2 Delaying And Holding Instructions, Radar
In Flight 3 Control Problems, Flight Plan, Urgency, Distess
Approach & Landing 1 Runway Surface, Landing And Approach
Approach & Landing 2 Missed Approach
Taxi & Postflight
Flight Crew Announcement Training
Learning Management System

Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
Extended Operations (ETOPS)
Continuous Descent & Climb Operations (CDO & CCO)
Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
All Weather Operation (AWO)
Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS/TCAS)
Crew Resource Management (CRM)
European Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (EUR / RVSM)
Wake Vortex Turbulence

Pilot And ATC Transmission 1
Pilot And ATC Transmission 2
Pilot And ATC Transmission 3
Pilot And ATC Transmission 4
Pilot And ATC Transmission 5
PBN on the Flight Deck

PBN on the Flight Deck - Privileges
PBN on the Flight Deck - Pre Takeoff
PBN on the Flight Deck - Departure
PBN on the Flight Deck - Cruise
PBN on the Flight Deck - Arrival
PBN on the Flight Deck - Approach Operations
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP Approach to LNAV Minima
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP Approach to LNAV / VNAV Minima
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP Approach to LPV Minima
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP Approach to ILS
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNAV Approach to ILS
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP AR (Authorisation Required) Approach
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP AR Public And Non Public Procedures
RNP AR on the Flight Deck
RNP AR on the Flight Deck – General Introduction
RNP AR on the Flight Deck – Aircraft Positioning
RNP AR on the Flight Deck – Navigation Performance
RNP AR on the Flight Deck - Baro VNAV
RNP AR on the Flight Deck - Procedure Design
RNP AR on the Flight Deck - Flying Techniques
RNP AR on the Flight Deck – Normal Operations
RNP AR on the Flight Deck– Guide To Final Approach
RNP AR on the Flight Deck – Abnormal Operation
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP Approach to ILS
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNAV Approach to ILS
PBN on the Flight Deck - RNP AR (Authorisation Required) Approach
RNP AR on the Flight Deck - Dispatch